Alumni Testimonial

We asked our alumni about their experiences in Phi Sigma Pi. Check out their responses below.

“It’s such a nice little community to have on such a big campus, and the support and love we all give each other is just unmatched.”

— Jenny Margolis, Class of 2021

“The diversity of people within the pi really made me want to rush.”

— Yoongee Hwang, Class of 2021

“Coming in as a transfer student when the campus opened back up from Covid was really intimidating. I joined the Pi to meet people and be a part of a small community within the massive university. The moment I interacted with a Pi member at Festival I knew I wanted to be a part of it, everyone was so welcoming. I am so happy I joined, I have created long lasting memories and friendships and I encourage anyone to join as well!”

— Shannon Thomas, Class of 2023