Executive Board

Madison Bowron, President


Madison is a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Business. She is a part of Girls in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (GEECS). She aspires to begin her corporate life in the software engineering field before starting her own company. Beyond school, Madison works as a hostess. She enjoys lifting weights, any and all outdoor activities, the beach, concerts, frogs, and Diet-Coke.

Isabelle Thyfault, Vice President


Isabelle is a junior double majoring in International Studies and Romance Languages, with a minor in Anthropology. They love to help out other students on campus by working for the Sweetland Writing Center and Comprehensive Studies Program. They love to bake, listen to music, and hang out with other bros in the Pi. Fun fact: Isabelle’s favorite holiday is Halloween!

Mishal Charania, Secretary


Mishal is a junior majoring in Sport Management and double minoring in Writing and Social Media. She is involved in The Michiganensian Yearbook, the Graham Sustainability Institute, and Michigan Women Empowerment in Sports and Entertainment (MWESE). Mishal’s dream job is to be a social media manager for Duolingo, a language education app, on which she has over a 400 day streak. She loves going to new places (especially the museums), Disney movies, and reading. She would love to discuss books with you!

Annelise Baron, Treasurer


Annelise is a senior majoring in Cognitive Science and minoring in Art and Design. She works at the Target on State Street so be sure to say hi if you see her! Beyond school, she enjoys arts and crafts, sushi, and cats.

Averyl Cobb, Public Relations


Averyl is a junior majoring in Sociology and minoring in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. She is the Assistant Business Manager for the Michiganensian Yearbook, where she primarily works on fundraising and marketing. In her free time she enjoys playing the cello, drinking matcha lattes, and visiting national parks. 

Rachana Bhandiwad, Parliamentarian


Rachana is a junior majoring in Computer Science. She is a part of the Indian American Student Association and Girls in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (GEECS). Beyond school, Rachana enjoys film and TV, sustainability, and sports. Fun fact: She is obsessed with the diag squirrels!

Lauren Haines, Initiate Advisor


Lauren is a junior majoring in Public Health and minoring in Political Science. She is actively involved in J Street and the Public Service Internship Program. Lauren enjoys being an advocate and participating in politics, as well as cooking and baking. She loves watching British period dramas.

Karoline Glamzi, Recruitment Advisor


Karoline is a senior majoring in Earth Sciences and hopes to be able to travel after graduation. Her hobbies include finding and collecting rocks, anything relating to sustainability (especially thrifting), painting, and crocheting. Outside of school, she works as a server. Fun fact: Her favorite food is vegetarian nachos.