Our Pillars


As a brotherhood, we strive for knowledge through professional development events, like resume building, internship workshops, and interview practice, as well as knowledge through fitness classes, brother ted talks, and trivia nights.


Aside from having a myriad of leadership opportunities, we are dedicated to giving back to our community. We support many local philanthropies, like Mats that Matter and Leuk’s Landing, and we even have a PSP DMUM team.


We foster our connections and relationships with our brothers throughout the year at events like formals, skating nights at Yost, and game nights.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee was designed to create a space where people can learn about differing perspectives and issues around the world as well as where people can feel comfortable expressing their identities. The committee also exists to bring accountability to brothers and share concerns that brothers have with the rest of the organization. The committee is designed to act as a 3rd party not only to address issues between different brothers, but additionally between brothers and EBEC members/committees.

As brothers of Phi Sigma Pi, we follow a Tripod of three ideals - Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship - that ultimately supports the goal of serving our local and national communities. Upholding DEI and striving for social justice is inseparable from that ultimate goal. DEI is not only important to support our main goals and bring accountability inside the organization, but additionally due to its importance in education. The committee seeks to bring awareness to issues that different people and communities face, in particular issues that might be invisible when looking from the outside. 

The DEI committee incorporates diversity, equity, and inclusion into Phi Sigma Pi by hosting educational events for brothers, setting up spaces for brothers to talk about issues unique to their identities, and consulting with the other committees to ensure that DEI is fully embodied throughout the organization. Examples of DEI events within Phi Sigma Pi include mental health spaces, documentary viewing nights, and multicultural cooking events.

For more information on DEI within Phi Sigma Pi, please contact our DEI Committee Chair, Simran Patel, at simpatel@umich.edu